Screen Fatigue: How to be human in the digital age

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Screen Fatigue: How to be human in the digital age

We’re bored and addicted to our phones. Buying a dumbphone or reducing screen time isn’t enough. What if the problem is deeper? Less than 20 years after the birth of the iPhone, screens have become the dominant presence in modern life. We work, plan, socialise, read, and entertain ourselves through them. Barely a minute goes […]

The Case Against Secularism: Why faith makes sense in the modern age

Salt Live

The Case Against Secularism: Why faith makes sense in the modern age

Are we really better off in a society without faith? And how can we find significance for our lives in secularism’s crumbling shadow?

The Age of Self-Obsession: Is narcissism slowly destroying us?

Salt Live

The Age of Self-Obsession: Is narcissism slowly destroying us?

What is the real path to happiness if not a focus on ourselves and how can we begin to find freedom through self-forgetfulness?

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