Andrew is a church leader with a wife and three kids. He is a walking cliché in his enthusiasm for coffee and craft beer.
Contact ArticlesJeremy is an Italian, Swiss, Indian, Iraqi, Jewish Londoner who has worked for multi-nationals and startups, and now helps lead a church.
Contact ArticlesJocelyn is a British-American lawyer and mum, who grew up in Nepal and is now a Londoner by choice.
Contact ArticlesGeorgie is a student at SOAS studying Middle Eastern Studies and Economics and competes with Jeremy as the greatest oversharer at Salt.
Contact ArticlesGraham works in television production, with experience in various creative industries, especially video, photography, design, web development and music. He puts the rest of us to shame.
Contact ArticlesBen works for a mentoring charity in London, but boasts a CV that includes a year of living as a monk.
Contact ArticlesJennie is a freelance writer and editor who loves digging deep into culture through reading, museums, theatre, and exploring the streets of London.
Contact ArticlesNaomi is a passionate foodie and works in communications. She is a little obsessed with studying and has accumulated degrees in history, law and classical theatre.
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