
God is for life, not just for crisis


God is for life, not just for crisis

Online church ‘attendance’ figures are soaring, Bible sales have increased by 55%, and Google searches for ‘prayer’ have skyrocketed. But God isn’t just a cosmic comfort-blanket; he wants to be the God of your whole life, not just your crisis.

The atheist’s leap of faith


The atheist’s leap of faith

From Ricky Gervais to Adam Buxton, today's comedy scene is littered with those who readily call faith in God an act of self-delusion. But are Christians the only ones at risk of deluding themselves, or do atheists need to confront the uncomfortable truths at the root of their own ‘faith’?

Where is God in Covid-19?


Where is God in Covid-19?

Covid-19 is an undeniably horrible disease. Everyday we are inundated with more tragic headlines and stories of those suffering around us. Naturally, we begin to ask questions about the world we live in, and many want an answer to one question: where is God?

Coronavirus, faith, and the fear of death


Coronavirus, faith, and the fear of death

Many are questioning faith right now. I understand this. The shock of watching the death toll rise each day as the world is battered by this invisible enemy is a shocking example of something very evil in this world. And the question of how God can allow evil to exist is, perhaps, the greatest obstacle to faith in the modern age.

I found peace in the midst of pandemic – and you can too


I found peace in the midst of pandemic – and you can too

The world is in a season of fear and anxiety that we haven’t seen for generations. Everything seems to be spiralling out of control. How can we combat our fears and be at peace in the midst of the storm? Is it even possible?

Coronavirus: are we all going to die?


Coronavirus: are we all going to die?

As Coronavirus spreads across the world, many of us have become anxious and are not sure how to respond to this pandemic. Can we find hope in the face of death and disease?

Did God set us up to fail?


Did God set us up to fail?

The Christian story tells us that because Adam ate the forbidden fruit, all of us are born sinful and separated from God. So why did God create forbidden fruit in the first place? Was he trying to trip us up?

The root cause of all our anxiety


The root cause of all our anxiety

Anxiety is definitely rising rapidly. And it is not hard to find explanations everywhere you look; changing lifestyles, stress-inducing technologies, fraying communities, and apocalyptic prophets. But, there is one great factor that is not often spoken about, but which seems to be present under all of our anxious feelings.

Are we controlled by nature?


Are we controlled by nature?

Science continues to uncover the hidden laws of our ordered universe, without which life could not exist. But it can't hope to answer the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything: why are we here? Here's why believing in natural order without design demonstrates more faith than you might think.