
Why the atheist church is failing


Why the atheist church is failing

The recent launch of the atheist churches proved a bit of a phenomenon, but have just as quickly been experiencing a lingering and slow death. What is the cause for this? The surprising answer is that Christian churches had tried this same experiment – religion without God – and failed for the same reasons.

6 reasons Jesus hated religion


6 reasons Jesus hated religion

Ever thought religion was just after your money? Closed-minded, full of hypocrites, tribal and sexist? Well, you might find you have more in common with the man who started the world's largest religion than you'd expect.

Does God even care?


Does God even care?

If you’ve ever encountered sudden loss, you’ll understand the feeling: a raw anger at the injustice of the situation. But what if there’s no one left to be angry at?

The failure who changed the world


The failure who changed the world

As heroes go, Jesus was something of a failure - he didn't wipe out the baddies, he didn't liberate his people, by the end of his short life he didn't even have more than a handful of followers. And yet, 20 centuries later his is the biggest religion in the world. So did he fail or not?

Did you know there are unicorns in the Bible?


Did you know there are unicorns in the Bible?

It's the God's honest truth, unicorns are in the Bible. They feature more than once, cross my heart and hope to die.

Are Christians cherry picking their morals?


Are Christians cherry picking their morals?

This question was asked during the Q&A at our recent Salt Live event: The Bible is homophobic, and we all agree that’s wrong. So, when it comes to things like homophobia, are Christians just choosing which parts of the Bible to accept and which to reject? Aren’t they cherry picking their morals?

Have a very messy Christmas


Have a very messy Christmas

No this isn't an article about drinking. Join me as I navigate the bleak sobriety of being a 30-something Scrooge in the world of incandescently happy Christmasaholics.

Would you make it into The Good Place?


Would you make it into The Good Place?

In September 2016, after an unfortunate incident with a margarita mix and a line of runaway shopping trolleys, Eleanor Shellstrop found herself in The Good Place. You're probably a better person than she was, but would you make it in? Are you sure?

If Christianity is true, why is it dying out?


If Christianity is true, why is it dying out?

Many believe that religion will inevitably decline with social and intellectual progress. How can Christians honestly believe their faith is true when we see their numbers diminishing?