
When you know of sexual abuse in the Church


When you know of sexual abuse in the Church

It's been utterly ghastly to hear my friends share the drawn out reality of trying to prosecute someone for sexually abusing a child. The sexual abuse of children is an unspeakable evil, but its unspoken nature allows it to continue. Every institution, from the courts to the church, are failing exactly the people they should protect.

Clean eating: the new religion


Clean eating: the new religion

Have you been 'good' today and had a salad, or were you 'bad' and reached for a cookie? It's not uncommon to hear moralistic descriptions around food. But why are we so puritanical about what we consume?

London is bleeding: how can we stop the knife crime epidemic?


London is bleeding: how can we stop the knife crime epidemic?

Knife crime is soaring in London. Politicians seem to blame each other, but have no answers. Is there any hope for our city?

Ten questions for pro-choice people


Ten questions for pro-choice people

The discussion over abortion is often full of rancour, in which neither side is really listening to the other. This tends to only result in more deeply entrenched views. Here are ten distinct and genuine questions for pro-choice people that will (at the least) give an insight into the way pro-life people think on this issue.

The vegans are coming to get you


The vegans are coming to get you

Veganuary has become the latest craze of middle class Londoners. Veganism is growing in popularity and a culture war is emerging over the nation’s eating habits. But what’s driving the growth of this movement? 

Erasing Jesus from history


Erasing Jesus from history

In our ‘post-truth’ world, attitudes towards established grand narratives have changed. Old assumptions are being challenged, but not always for the right reasons. We explore why 40% of adults in the UK believe that Jesus was not a real, historical person.

‘Take back control’: how the words of Brexit go much deeper than we think


‘Take back control’: how the words of Brexit go much deeper than we think

Take back control. These three simple words are key to understanding why the majority support Brexit. They successfully tap into one of the most intrinsic human drivers: we all want to be in control.

We disagree on everything. So let’s keep talking.


We disagree on everything. So let’s keep talking.

How can we look at the same world, the same problems, the same events and come to such totally different conclusions about them? Are we even seeing the same thing? And how can we ever resolve our disagreements?

London’s greatest threat


London’s greatest threat

Forget all the big health scares of recent decades. One widespread epidemic is on the rise that threatens many of us – especially in London – and we're largely unaware.