Our next Salt Live Event

Screen Fatigue: How to be human in the digital age

Salt Live

SaltLive is a series of events during which Londoners from all walks of life come together and engage face-to-face on matters of faith and philosophy.

Do come along for a short talk and open discussion — it’s good fun and we’d love to hear what you have to say, whatever your perspective. Subscribe for updates on the next event, or keep an eye out on Facebook.

Past Events

Salt Live

Screen Fatigue: How to be human in the digital age

We’re bored and addicted to our phones. Buying a dumbphone or reducing screen time isn’t enough. What if the problem is deeper? Less than 20 years after the birth of the iPhone, screens have become the dominant presence in modern life. We work, plan, socialise, read, and entertain ourselves through them. Barely a minute goes […]

Salt Live

The Case Against Secularism: Why faith makes sense in the modern age

Are we really better off in a society without faith? And how can we find significance for our lives in secularism’s crumbling shadow?

Salt Live

The Age of Self-Obsession: Is narcissism slowly destroying us?

What is the real path to happiness if not a focus on ourselves and how can we begin to find freedom through self-forgetfulness?

Salt Live

The Burnout Generation: How to flourish in a weary age

Why are we so weary? Our diaries are packed. But is the problem deeper than that? How do we find contentment in a world of overactivity?

Salt Live

Have we broken sex? Rethinking the sexual revolution

Against a background of restrictive social expectations, the sexual revolution promised sexual liberation and female empowerment. It ushered in the era of free love. But, has it delivered?

Salt Live

I can’t get no satisfaction

The desire for satisfaction is self-evident. It drives every decision we make. Much of modern life is lived in pursuit of the next dopamine hit. And yet, despite having more stuff, more opportunities and greater freedom than previous generations, lasting contentment feels perpetually out of reach. Do we need to return to ancient answers?

Salt Live

The Crisis of Masculinity

21st century society lacks a positive vision of what it means to be a man. For many, masculinity is something poisonous or toxic. How can men understand themselves, and seek to be better men, in a world in which the idea of masculinity is so divisive, disparaged and unclear?

Salt Live

Generation Me

We’ve been told that the purpose of life is self-discovery and self-expression and that the key to good mental health is boosting self-esteem. But is this contemporary focus on ourselves part of the problem rather than the solution?

Salt Live

Ain’t nothin’ but mammals?

What does it mean to be human? Is there anything about human beings that makes us special? Do we have a soul, or are we just clumps of cells?

The Anxious Generation: will we ever find peace?

Millennials and Gen Z are reportedly experiencing higher levels of anxiety than any generation before them. Anxiety feels ever-present in modern western culture. What's causing this?

Faith, Life, Salt Live

Christianity: Poison or Antidote?

Religion causes so many of humanity's greatest problems. Division. Intolerance. Conflict. And yet, religious people report higher levels of personal satisfaction and meaning. How can both be true? Is Christianity part of the problem or is it the solution?

Life, Opinion, Salt Live

Chasing happiness: The search for lasting contentment

Chasing Happiness: The Search for Lasting ContentmentThe desire for happiness drives every decision we make, yet it often feels fleeting and unobtainable. Can true happiness really be found? About the EventThe desire for happiness is self-evident. It’s driving every decision we make. And yet it often feels fleeting and unobtainable. We don’t really know what […]

Opinion, Salt Live

White Jesus: Is becoming a Christian a betrayal of Black identity?

Some have argued that becoming a Christian is a betrayal of Black identity. Does it really make sense to be Black and Christian?

Salt Live

Reconciliation in a Divided Culture

We live in a deeply divided society. Our university campuses and social media feeds are increasingly full of accusations of injustice. From Germaine Greer to Peter Tatchell, Richard Dawkins to Brian Cox, no one is safe from contemporary society’s obsession with victimhood. So how can we find peace in a world where everyone feels like a victim?

Love, Salt Live

Why are Christians so weird about sex?

Christianity appears to promote an outdated and narrow-minded moral code, which limits personal autonomy and sexual expression. Is this characterisation true and does Christianity jar with progressive instincts about life?

Life, Salt Live

Finding Peace in the Age of Anxiety

Anxiety has been described as “Britain’s silent epidemic”. We live in an age which has witnessed an explosion in the levels of anxiety. We seek to understand the sources of our discontent and consider whether Christianity has anything to say to this modern phenomenon.

Faith, Salt Live

Does religion poison everything?

The writer Christopher Hitchens famously claimed that 'religion poisons everything'. For many, religion appears to be the cause of much of the world’s intolerance, division and even violence. And yet, for others, religion is a source of personal meaning and existential peace. A thought-provoking evening with popular Christian speaker and author, Glen Scrivener.

Faith, Salt Live

If God, why suffering?

We ask how can someone believe in an all-powerful, loving God when the world is so full of suffering and loss? Our speaker, Dr Tanya Walker has an academic background in politics, philosophy and religion, and is currently the Dean of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. She speaks widely in the UK and internationally on the topics of religion, ethics and culture.

Faith, Salt Live

Is truth dead and does it matter?

Are we really living in a post-truth world or is there such a thing as objective truth? Are truth claims nothing more than disguised bids for power, or is truth the only weapon that can speak to power? Our answers to these questions have profound implications for us as individuals and for our interactions with wider society.

Faith, Salt Live

Where is God in the age of science?

Many people are asking, Has science buried God? The standard assumption in our city is that religion is merely speculation whereas science is based on hard facts. So we’re left wondering, does Christianity have anything to add in this scientific age?

Salt Live

Can Christianity Be Proved?

Most people assume that Christianity is just blind faith, that is, an irrational belief that God exists, and that Christians are well-meaning but ultimately deluded folk. However, most Christians would claim that there is more to their belief than mere speculation and hope.

Salt Live

Can love survive the dating apocalypse?

The world of sex and dating has changed more rapidly since the onset of the smartphone than at any point in the history of the world; hence some are calling it a dating apocalypse. How should we think about apps, sex, and love in the modern world?

Salt Live

Is Faith Irrational?

In a secular age, many regard faith as an irrational leap in the dark. Religion is increasingly seen as out of place in public life, and often exiled to the private domain having no place in public debate in this scientific age. We were privileged to welcome Dr Tanya Walker from the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics who addressed this subject.

Salt Live

Finding Happiness in Work

For many across London, work has a defining place in our lives. At our third live event, we explored the questions around work and fulfilment, over wine, beer, and nibbles at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre. discovering work that excite and fulfill us. But the reality often doesn't live up to our expectations – work can be mundane, lacking in purpose or simply just exhausting.

Faith, Salt Live

Proud & Prejudiced: Is Christianity intolerant?

The second of our Salt Live events was concerned with the question of whether the Christian faith, with its seemingly outdated moral code, leads to a narrow or bigoted point-of-view.

Faith, Salt Live

Can You Ever Be Sure About God?

For our very first event, we explored the question of religious certainty in a pluralistic world. A short talk was followed by open discussion over drinks, nibbles, and live music at The Tommyfield pub in Kennington.