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Skin hunger: the West’s new health crisis


Skin hunger: the West’s new health crisis

It is only when we live without touch that we realise how fundamental it is to our existence. In a culture with endless rules governing our physical interactions, how can we reclaim the innocence of touch again?

The Internet Mob: nowhere to run, nowhere to hide


The Internet Mob: nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

We like to think we’re so sophisticated these days – we’re enlightened, broad-minded people who don’t burn witches at the stake any more. Yet if anyone breaks our strict, constantly evolving moral code can they ever find a way back?

Why is everyone so angry?


Why is everyone so angry?

Our national political dialogue has become increasingly toxic. And our social media feeds are full of online abuse. On last week’s Question Time, Rory Stewart recently argued we need more love in politics. Is this just political cliché, or is this the hope for our divided nation?   

I’m a workaholic and an Olympic rat race gold medallist


I’m a workaholic and an Olympic rat race gold medallist

I’m Ben and I’m a workaholic. Work was my obsession, my first love, and my daily adrenaline fix. Now I’ve realised there is something so much better.

Three ways to reduce stress permanently


Three ways to reduce stress permanently

Life is stressful for all of us, sometimes it is very stressful. Essential oils and good long bath might help for a day, but how can we reduce stress, not just temporarily but forever?

All we need is love: but whose?


All we need is love: but whose?

Is my desire to be romantically pursued problematic? For years, popular culture fed us the story that finding Mr Right would make us happy, now they’re telling me that self-love is all I need. I’m not so sure either will do the job.

People hate me for what I do: how do I disagree well?


People hate me for what I do: how do I disagree well?

I knew working in a controversial field was going to force me to encounter regular confrontation, but being catapulted into the heart of the vitriolic tribalism of our age hit me like a ton of bricks. So why is it so difficult to disagree well with other people these days?

If it’s not on Strava, did you even run?


If it’s not on Strava, did you even run?

Having downloaded Strava, I felt compelled to always try to run as fast and far as I could. Simply because it was measured. But I soon found that – in life, not just in running – what I measured controlled me...

The failure who changed the world


The failure who changed the world

As heroes go, Jesus was something of a failure - he didn't wipe out the baddies, he didn't liberate his people, by the end of his short life he didn't even have more than a handful of followers. And yet, 20 centuries later his is the biggest religion in the world. So did he fail or not?