Andrew Haslam

Andrew is a church leader with a wife and three kids. He is a walking cliché in his enthusiasm for coffee and craft beer.

29 articles by Andrew

Are Christians cherry picking their morals?


Are Christians cherry picking their morals?

This question was asked during the Q&A at our recent Salt Live event: The Bible is homophobic, and we all agree that’s wrong. So, when it comes to things like homophobia, are Christians just choosing which parts of the Bible to accept and which to reject? Aren’t they cherry picking their morals?

Dementia in the Trans-Physical Age


Dementia in the Trans-Physical Age

Watching my dad fade away as the ravages of dementia take their toll has prompted the question: Where does the real you reside? As millions of us will suffer from dementia in the years to come, what does this mean in an age in which we preference the mind over the body?

Wasting your life is easier than you think


Wasting your life is easier than you think

When Matt Damon won an Oscar at 27 years of age he experienced a moment of insight that changed his life, saving him from wasting years pursuing something relatively meaningless. We all need to get perspective like this. The question is, how?

The myth of the freethinking atheist


The myth of the freethinking atheist

Somehow we have come to attach the idea of ‘freedom’, and particularly freedom of thought, to atheism. Religious people are shackled to ideas that exert power of them, almost as though they are helpless victims. But the atheist is free… Well, sort of. But no.

14 things you probably didn’t know about Christianity, but really should


14 things you probably didn’t know about Christianity, but really should

Despite being the dominant faith in the Western world for many centuries, there are some very widespread and deep set misunderstandings about Christianity. Here are fourteen things you probably did not realise.

Sex is never NSA


Sex is never NSA

There has been a pretty fundamental shift in the way we think about sex in recent history, from a soul-binding force to an animal act. But sex can never be No Strings Attached.

Why Christmas is stranger than fiction


Why Christmas is stranger than fiction

Truth and legend are often hard to separate, especially at Christmas. But while the legends are full of gooey sentiment, they are actually made far deeper by understanding the truth behind them. 

London’s greatest threat


London’s greatest threat

Forget all the big health scares of recent decades. One widespread epidemic is on the rise that threatens many of us – especially in London – and we're largely unaware.

How to control the future


How to control the future

When everyone lies and no-one can be trusted, it creates a world of inherent uncertainty. But promises give us the power to create a certain future.

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