I haven’t told my boss yet, but I’ll let you in on a secret, I gave up doing overtime for Lent. Shortly before Lent began, I admitted I was seriously addicted to an every-waking-hour, productive concoction of achievement and efficiency. Here is what I learnt from giving it up.
2012 saw the birth of Fourth Wave Feminism, a renewed engrossment with the rights of women, particularly in opposition to sexual harassment and violence. This increase in awareness and interest around equal rights and opportunities has had many positive effects, and benefits society in numerous ways. In a society in which gender is not a constraint, we are far better able to maximise the skills and assets of individuals. But is it all good news?
Are you anxious about what the future holds and the rate at which technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, is advancing? What happens when we’re no longer the most intelligent beings on the planet?
There has been a pretty fundamental shift in the way we think about sex in recent history, from a soul-binding force to an animal act. But sex can never be No Strings Attached.
In our world of echo-chambers, it's not often you'll hear people commending something they don't agree with.
And Harvard may well say the same about you.
Right answers can be hard to find, and hard to understand when we find them. But does that mean we should give up altogether?
Do your Valentine's Days end in disappointment, tears and the occasional kebab? Me too, mate. How on earth can a desperate singleton survive in a world obsessed with romance and relationships?
How can we look at the same world, the same problems, the same events and come to such totally different conclusions about them? Are we even seeing the same thing? And how can we ever resolve our disagreements?