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Wasting your life is easier than you think


Wasting your life is easier than you think

When Matt Damon won an Oscar at 27 years of age he experienced a moment of insight that changed his life, saving him from wasting years pursuing something relatively meaningless. We all need to get perspective like this. The question is, how?

The myth of the freethinking atheist


The myth of the freethinking atheist

Somehow we have come to attach the idea of ‘freedom’, and particularly freedom of thought, to atheism. Religious people are shackled to ideas that exert power of them, almost as though they are helpless victims. But the atheist is free… Well, sort of. But no.

Guns and the price of freedom


Guns and the price of freedom

As America reels after another mass shooting, and people around the world ask why they don't impose stricter gun laws, Jennie Pollock looks at why they don't, and how we're all really the same at heart.