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So I’m going to die


So I’m going to die

Words you never want to hear a loved one say, let alone say it yourself: I’m going to die.

Is there a cure for low self-esteem?


Is there a cure for low self-esteem?

There is a huge emphasis placed on self-worth in today's age, but with the world constantly evolving how are we to find a permanent value system to  help us like ourselves? 

Cracking the Black Mirror: will we even notice when technology takes over?


Cracking the Black Mirror: will we even notice when technology takes over?

Honestly, could you go a day, even an afternoon, without your phone? Is whatever you're reading this on is taking control of your life? If you hesitated answering either of those questions, this one is for you!

Stop moaning about homelessness, you’re ruining my Christmas!


Stop moaning about homelessness, you’re ruining my Christmas!

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Or is it? It has become fashionable to moan about the forced jollity and consumerism of Christmas, but isn't that just as much a capitulation to the marketers' dreams? What if Christmas, perhaps...means a little bit more?

7% of people think it’s okay to kill you


7% of people think it’s okay to kill you

A recent survey found that six of the Bible’s ten commandments are still considered ‘important principles to live by’ by more than half the population. That’s not bad for a bunch of rules laid down 3,500 years ago. But which ones didn’t make the cut, and why is that a problem?

Christianity: a white man’s religion?


Christianity: a white man’s religion?

It’s Black History Month, where we reflect on the past contributions of black people in society. Christianity has often played a major role—but is it essentially a white man’s religion?