
My Experiments in Experiencing Rest


My Experiments in Experiencing Rest

I haven’t told my boss yet, but I’ll let you in on a secret, I gave up doing overtime for Lent. Shortly before Lent began, I admitted I was seriously addicted to an every-waking-hour, productive concoction of achievement and efficiency. Here is what I learnt from giving it up.

Fearful of the feminine?


Fearful of the feminine?

2012 saw the birth of Fourth Wave Feminism, a renewed engrossment with the rights of women, particularly in opposition to sexual harassment and violence. This increase in awareness and interest around equal rights and opportunities has had many positive effects, and benefits society in numerous ways.  In a society in which gender is not a constraint, we are far better able to maximise the skills and assets of individuals. But is it all good news?

Hi, I’m Ben and Harvard says I might be racist


Hi, I’m Ben and Harvard says I might be racist

And Harvard may well say the same about you.

Why you should NOT stop looking for the right answer


Why you should NOT stop looking for the right answer

Right answers can be hard to find, and hard to understand when we find them. But does that mean we should give up altogether?

You didn’t fail your resolutions. They failed you.


You didn’t fail your resolutions. They failed you.

According to a survey published by The Guardian, 66% of us have given up our New Year’s resolutions by the end of January. Well, here we are with the first month of 2018 drawing to a dreary close, and I ask you: are any of your resolutions still standing?

What would Jesus say to my trans friend?


What would Jesus say to my trans friend?

Over the past few years, the transgender phenomenon has exploded into the public consciousness. Most have rapidly adjusted their understanding of gender. But a significant minority remain opposed to this redefinition. As a Christian, I'm sometimes asked, how would Jesus respond...

So I’m going to die


So I’m going to die

Words you never want to hear a loved one say, let alone say it yourself: I’m going to die.

Success won’t make you happy at work


Success won’t make you happy at work

'How can I be happy in work?' is one of the most important questions the average Londoner is asking about life. Have we all been placing too much emphasis on being successful?

Is there a cure for low self-esteem?


Is there a cure for low self-esteem?

There is a huge emphasis placed on self-worth in today's age, but with the world constantly evolving how are we to find a permanent value system to  help us like ourselves?